

Internet and computer use are ingrained in contemporary society and have changed the way we live our lives more than any other technological medium yet( (Hoeg N, et al 2019). The internet has become an integral part of modern-day life, and the global population using the internet has grown to almost 3.8 billion (Anurag T, 2018). Cyber addiction (internet addiction) is also called compulsive computer use, pathological internet use, and internet dependence. Cyber addiction or pathological internet use is generally defined as problematic, compulsive use of the internet that results in significant impairment in an individual's function in various life domains over a prolonged period. Young people are at particular risk of developing internet addiction disorder, with case studies highlighting students whose academic performance plummets as they spend more and more time online (Wikipedia). Internet addiction is characterized by excessive or poorly controlled preoccupations, urges, or...


I've said this several times: young people's ability to withstand stress and difficult situations keeps getting lower and lower by the day. Normal ups and downs of life have become so overwhelming for many young people. It takes mental strength to raise kids who will be responsible adults. These days most parents from a very tender age teach skills that make the child feel that life is meant to be always happy... thanks to social media that 'nothing sad ever happens' you only see the bright side of people on social media, not their fears and struggles. But why don't we .rather teach skills that won't necessarily make young people happy at the moment such as self-discipline, impulse control, emotional regulation e.t.c Now, most people do want to see their children cry, yes I agree its painful sometimes but for the sake of that child, allow the child to cry, he or she won't die from major reason why young people are not resilient anymore and cant...